Anxiety Disorder - Get Rid Of It Before It Destroys Your Life
Do you fear you may be having panic attacks? Are you suffering from a pounding heart or a feeling of butterflies in your stomach? Do you sometimes feel as if you are about to pass out? How do you know if you are experiencing normal anxiety or something more serious? While it is true that everyone feels a certain amount to stress in situations that are pressure-filled or stressful, an excessive amount of worry and foreboding may indicate an anxiety disorder. Normal stress can alert us to danger or it can help us concentrate and focus. Normal stress can be good. Excessive stress is not a good thing. Anxiety disorder happens when you let your worries and your fears hinder you from living your life the way that you want to. The anxiety is excessive and exaggerated, and you worry over simple things that should not be a big concern for you. There are four aspects of experiences that are covered by anxiety and these are the physical signs and symptoms, dissociative anxiety, physical...