Depression- Types, Causes, And Treatment

Nowadays the concept of "depression" is problematic. This word is called a bad mood, sorrow, depression, unwillingness to do something. Sadness gradually goes away by itself and does not interfere with functioning in society - depression deprives a person of a full life.

This post briefs you about the types of depression and How to Treat Depression. Go ahead!

Types of depression

Every person has negative automatic thoughts, but in a normal state they do not linger for a long time, and in a depressed person they "spin, turning into confidence."

The main task for a successful cure for depression is to identify the maladaptive AM, which is fundamental to your depression state, to recognize it and determine why it is illogical and incorrect.

Low self-esteem

A person begins to compare himself with those who, in his opinion, are better and more successful than him. 

Immediate Obligations

A person begins to feel that he is not coping with his duties and literally "piles" on himself an unbearable burden: he denies himself the rest, works almost around the clock, constantly thinks and worries. 

Negative assessment of what is happening

Assessing the events that are taking place, the depressed person begins to feel responsible for all the difficulties that he would not even have noticed before. A person acutely feels guilty, for example, for a wasted amount, although it is not so great and not worth such remorse. 

Causes of depression

Several factors contribute to depression:

    • Biochemistry. Depression changes the activity of the brain and neurotransmitters.

    • Genetics. The influence of heredity on the development of depression was studied using the example of bipolar disorder. In direct relatives of bipolar patients, the risk of developing depression is 15 times higher than in relatives of healthy people. If one of the parents suffers from the disorder, children develop depression in 25% of cases; if both parents - in 75%.

    • Personal characteristics. People with low self-esteem may think they are not worthy of love and recognition. With pronounced perfectionism, all energy is directed towards achieving an ideal result - burnout occurs. Individuals prone to addiction in relationships and living their lives through another person are also prone to depressive states: losing awareness of themselves as a separate unit and leaving no personal space for themselves, when parting, they experience the loss of a loved one as a loss of themselves.

It is possible and necessary to treat depression, and the sooner you do it, the better. If you cannot help yourself on your own, then you should resort to the help of friends and relatives, and if they do not help, then you have a direct road to a mindfit lab. Try to think positively, start leading a healthy lifestyle, go somewhere to relax, make new acquaintances, change jobs, and heal a new life. All in your hands! Only if you want to be healed will it happen! Do not revel in the state of your helplessness and grief! Stop feeling sorry for yourself, it's time to take action and live!!! Find your meaning in life and live for it!!! Easy to say and hard to do? And you prove the opposite!


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