Is Panic Taking a Toll on Your Life?

Anxiety and panic are often dismissed as something common or something that doesn't require a proper diagnosis or attention. These are not taken as seriously as they should be, as a result of which often patients of anxiety and panic often keep suffering in silence. However, not all of us know that anxiety and panic, if not attended to properly, can develop into something grave and can even take a toll on your life.

Image result for panic attacks human

Although used interchangeably, anxiety and panic attacks are not the same and have their individual sets of symptoms. It takes a deep analysis to understand where the panic attack is stemming from or what is causing frequent problems.

Where Does It Stem From?

Fear and anxiety are generally observed as normal reactions to unwanted situations that may emerge from time to time. It is absolutely okay to be worried about an exam or an important, upcoming event. However, if this feeling of fear is something you observe much too often, without any reason, and along with physical symptoms such as severe sweating and a racing heart, you need to seek help.

Causes of Anxiety and Panic Attacks 

Not all of us fall prey to anxiety and panic attacks. Well, the causes of anxiety and panic attacks may be varied. You may have a family history of such disorders or something may have happened in your life that resulted in you being so stressed. A lot of patients of anxiety and panic attacks are known to have other issues as well such as depression or emotional instability.

Panic attacks are often unexpected. While searching about panic attacks, we can have a list of external triggers such as a stressful job or ugly social situations, sudden withdrawal from drugs or alcohol, medication, and supplements, thyroid problems or other health risk factors.

It can be really difficult leading a life with panic and anxiety. As easy as it may sound, it is more than just feeling sad. If you feel the symptoms continuously, you should consider meeting a therapist or professional who can help you sail through it. There are a lot of self-help courses available online as well. Online courses on emotional stability and an enhanced lifestyle can help you get through these tough times with ease. Apart from that, practicing self-help techniques such as slow, deep breathing and practicing mindfulness can come handy. Be positive about the whole situation and take it one day at a time. You will get through this. Cheers!


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